7-26 (Mon)
Bill and Mary Ann, my brother and sister in law, arrived Sunday night a week ago. We all went out to dinner that night. They toured around the park on Mon and Tues left for Cody to spend the night.
Thurs we took them down to Old Faithful. On the way down we saw a couple of bull elk with huge racks. Bill and I walked the boardwalks by the geysers while Nancy and Mary Ann shopped. When we got back we all sat out on the porch of the Lodge and watched Old Faithful go off.
On Friday Nancy, Bill and I hiked Beaver Ponds. That evening we all went horseback riding. What a bummer that was. It was nose to tail riding which the girl said it wouldn't be. The equipment was terrible. My reins were tied together and Nancy and a rope for reins! They didn't even adjust the stirrups on my saddle! Unfortunately it was a two hour ride. We could hardly walk when we got back to the stable. Then to top it off I couldn't find the keys to the car. We looked everywhere. One of the girl wranglers gave us a lift back to Bill's hotel. He and I took off to Gardiner for an extra set of keys while Nancy and Mary Ann drank wine. By the time we got the keys, picked up my car and got back to Mammoth it was past 9:00. As I was getting undressed that night, I said, "oh Nancy, I know where the keys are." They were in the glass case I always have hanging on my belt. I had put them in there for save keeping because it zips!
Bill and MA took off for Glacier the next day. They will be back late Wed night and fly home Sunday.