The girls going for a stroll.

Heading toward Mammoth so we can scare the tourists when they arrive.

We made it to Bozeman on Sunday. When we woke up the next morning it was snowing like crazy. There must have been 3-4 inches of snow on Nancy’s car. We drove, very carefully, to the Honda dealership and had the oil changed.
I still had a bad sinus infection. Plus I couldn't speak above a whisper. I was worried that the clinic at Mammoth might not be open so I went to an Urgent Care Center. The PA gave me a prescription and told me to buy a humidifier.
After going to Walmart for my meds we took off for YS at 12:30. We stopped in Livingston to have lunch. We drove on into YS and checked in with Ken. He couldn’t have been nicer. We gave him some tangerines. He let us spend the night in the dorm for $5.20. I think he was trying to make up for last year when he accused me of stealing his fan.
While we were sitting there with Ken I started getting so sick. My head was killing me and I felt like I was going to throw up. I couldn’t get to the room fast enough. Nancy brought in her blanket and I lay down on my bed. I’m sure it was the medicine I had taken about an hour ago.
I stayed on the bed until almost 6:00 while she brought everything in from the car. She started putting her things away while I was suffering.
I finally got to feeling better and we went to eat. We walked out of the dorm not even thinking about animals and there staring at us were 3 huge buffalo!
We unpacked the rest of Nancy’s car and I tried to put away as many of my things as I could. Nancy said I was white as a ghost when I got sick.
The next day, Tues we went to Gardiner to check in. When we got back to Mammoth Nancy dropped me off at the clinic so I could ask the doctor if I should continue taking the medicine that made me sick yesterday. It took at least an hour and a half for him to tell me to continue taking it. Nancy thought something had happened to me and maybe they had taken me to the hospital.
At 2:30 we had a safety meeting in the training room. We went into the call center first. Everyone was so welcoming. We can tell that they aren’t crazy about John, the new boss. He came over and introduced himself. He seems nice enough but of course I haven’t worked for him yet.
After safety training we drove out to Roosevelt to see if we could spot any animals. We saw lots of buffalo but that was it. A couple of the young ones were head butting.
Today we went to the training room at 8:30. Nancy and I worked together on 9 different scenarios. It took us all day to do them. Steve, a kid that was also doing them, was finished by noon and was on the phones this afternoon!