11-25 (Sunday)
Barbara and I walked over to the Egyptian Museum today and spent about three hours before going back to the Khan el Kalani Bazaar for more shopping. Barbara wanted to get another cartouche for a friend. I went down to the only restaurant where we would consider eating to get us a table. The guy said there was no room so we got the man at the cartouche store to go to the restaurant on our behalf to get us in. It worked! When we left the Bazaar we walked out through the local market. Barbara wanted to buy a burka. The man who was helping us wanted 350 which was $63 for the head piece that probably cost $3 at most. He was so absurd that we didn't even try to bargain with him. We hired a taxi to take us back to the hotel. Barbara got friendly with him and asked him how much he thought a burka would cost. He said, $15 so she asked him to stop and get her one. She thinks she gave him 100 plus 5 which included the taxi ride and tip. He said she gave him a 10 and a 5. She ended up giving him another 100 but thinks he cheated her out of 100.
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