Sunday, June 14, 2009

6-14 (Sunday)

When I got to the EDR this morning there was a big buffalo blocking the way in. Thankfully there are two doors so I was able to go around to the other one and get in. Some of the people from the next reservations training class were in there eating breakfast. I hated thinking about what they are facing.

The EDR , , , oh, my gosh! We eat on plastic trays with dividing sections. We can get starch from the hot line (various types) or we have a choice of two kinds of soup. There is a place where we can make sandwiches with different lunch meats and there is a salad bar with all kinds of fruit, most is not fresh. There is lettuce, olives, cheeses, tomatoes, onions, tofu, etc. There is an area where you get soft drinks, tea, water or fruit juices. We always have dessert. When we get to the part of the line where we will get our food we have to show our ID card and give the server our ID number. After we have gotten what we want to eat we sit down at one of the long tables or at one of the single tables for four. When we have swallowed all the starch we want we take our tray to what I call the slop area. We throw our silverware into three separate containers, one for spoons, one for knives etc. We toss anything that is left in our glass into a sort of trough drain. There is a huge garbage container lined with a plastic bag. We turn our blue plastic tray upside down and bang it several times to get rid of any food into the can. Next to the garbage can is a plastic container where we stack our trays. That garbage can is so gross. It reminds me of the movie, Animal House!

On my way back to the dorm this morning I saw two huge jackrabbits in the parking lot. Boy, can they jump! Their feet are about a foot long.

In one of my recent blogs I said I saw big horn goats, my friend Wendy, pointed out to me that they were probably sheep and not goats. She is absolutely right, I misspoke/miswrote - they were sheep.

I went to church this morning at the little chapel. It was very homey. I walked with some of the married couples from my dorm.

Is anyone interested in driving my car out here and then flying home? OR does anyone have an idea how I could get it here? All suggestions are welcome.

This afternoon I walked up the hill behind our dorm and then over to the corrals. There is an old cemetery near the corrals that was interesting. Some of the grave markers date back to the late 1800’s. Many of them are children.

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