We have today and tomorrow off. We got up early and left for the Lamar Valley and Cook City. It was a breathtaking ride, I would call it a winter wonderland.
We met Frank Nichols on the road. He is an author/photographer (impactimagesstudio.com) from WA writing a book on the seasons in Yellowstone. We couldn't believe his equipment.
We were out of the car taking pictures of ourselves when a ranger came along. He turned on his lights and siren then stopped beside us. ND said, "aren't we allowed to take pictures?" He fussed at us because we had stopped on an icy road on a curve!! When he drove off we finished taking our pictures.
Cook City is totally snowed in. There are a few restaurants open but they have to dig holes through the snow to let people in. There were lots of snowmobilers riding up and down the street.
It started snowing really hard as we were leaving so we thought we'd better make a beeline for home. On the way it stopped and we watched a wolf pack (4-6 wolves.) One chased another off and he ran right in front of our car. It is extremely hard to see them with the naked eye so we were very lucky. Plus no one else was around which was even better.
As we got near Roosevelt we saw a couple of coyotes running up the hill.
I am sick again, this time it's just a bad cold. I can't breath and my nose is as red as a fire engine.
This afternoon the sun was out shining brightly then it started snowing. It stopped, the sun shone again then it snowed so hard we couldn't see the parking lot. We always talk about the weather changing so quickly in FL but FL can't hold a candle to this weather change.
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