5-19 (Thurs)
We left early to go down to Grant Village in the south part of the park. Our friend is the personal director there so we stopped by to see her. She told us that the snow has damaged 24 of the guest rooms. She showed us a room in the employees dorm where the snow had mashed the wall in. They haven't had drinking water until today. There is 25-30 feet of snow in some places. They are supposed to open Fri the 27th, in another week. We went on to Jackson Lake Lodge in the Tetons to have lunch but they didn’t open until the next day. We were starved so we went on to Signal Mountain Lodge where we had lunch at 3:00. On our way back to Mammoth we tromped through snow up to our knees because someone said they saw a grizzly. There was some guy in his flip flops tromping through the same snow! We couldn't see a thing. Later we did see grizzly right beside the road. We stopped at Fishing Bridge to see a garage that collapsed on three trucks due to snow.

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