Monday, April 15, 2013


Saturday (4-13) we drove almost two hours to Bozeman to see the movie 42.  When we got within about 10 miles of Bozeman it began snowing so hard that we were having white out conditions.  I was driving and could hardly see the front of the car.  The wind was whipping around making conditions miserable.  We did a little shopping and all of a sudden the snow stopped, the sun came out and all was well.  We loved the movie and highly recommend it.

We departed for the park around 4:00.  We weren't out of Bozeman 5 miles when we were hit again with a blowing snowstorm.  Is this the middle of April?  It was hard to hold the car on the road but we chugged on.

These are a few of the pictures we took.

White out conditions

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