Thursday, June 04, 2009

6-4 (Thurs)

After breakfast I went to the training room and practiced some before class started. Today was a little rough. Yesterday was better. It seems like I have one good day and then one that isn’t so good.

Tomorrow is my day off. I asked one of the boss ladies if I could come in and practice some in the morning. She told me I could.

It rained most of the day today but by dinner time it had stopped and I walked down the road to see if I could see the baby owls. There are two of them and they are huge. The mother has been trying to coax them out of the nest. They have walked out on a branch but haven’t gotten up their nerve to flap their wings and leave security yet. I didn’t see them tonight so maybe they were in the nest trying to stay warm and dry or maybe they have made the big flight.

It is supposed to turn cold tonight. Tomorrow night the trainees in reservations are going on an old fashioned cowboy cookout at Roosevelt Lodge. We are going to ride to the cookout in a covered wagon. There is a chance of snow. Apparently it is snowing in Billings right now.
I really don’t know what is happening in the outside world because we have no radio or TV. I usually don’t know what day it is.


monkeyboy said...

News from Orlando...
The Magic lost the first game of the series to the Lakers by 25 (100-75).
It is supposed to rain in Orlando this weekend.
A truck ran over a big gator that was trying to cross the road.

Anonymous said...

Hello, Nancy. I missed out on wht it is your are doing in training. Anyway, it is great to hear your comments. Yellowstone has got to be one of the most memorable of all the places we've seen. Hope your spirits are better. I worked during Spring Break at Aquatica so I can empathize with feeling inadequate to the task. irene c.