A cow elk gave birth Sat morning and had her calf around Aspen all day Sun. When ND and I left work Sun afternoon we were walking and not paying any attention. The cow was lying down on the grass right next to us. When we were beside her she jumped up and started after us. I yelled, “run.” We ran behind some construction dumpsters and finally made it to our dorm. She chased people all afternoon. Neither man nor beast were safe from her. In the morning she charged one man and knocked him up against the construction fence. She chased someone up the steps of the dorm. She charged another guy four times, once he fell down and hurt his hand. It was a very exciting day! The Rangers were busy the entire day trying to protect people.
We hiked Sheep Eaters Cliff Sun night. On our way home we stopped at the corral, we had heard that a bear came running over the hill that day and killed an elk calf. The cow tried to save it by charging the bear so he hauled the calf up a tree. We saw the bear under the tree and the carcass was hanging from one of the branches. The poor cow was still hanging around crying and crying. A coyote came upon the scene but didn’t have the nerve to go very close when the bear was still there eating. It was sad, but that’s nature.

1 comment:
Was the shot of the bear and the carcass shot on the side of a hill? It is crooked.
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