This past Thurs we drove through Lamar to Cook City then up and over the Bear Tooth Mountain, they still have tons of snow.
We ate lunch in Red Lodge before continuing on to Billings where we spent the night. I bought a new pair of hiking boots.
The next day we drove to Hardin and out to where we were going to watch in reenactment of Little Big Horn. The signs along the way were hilarious, they looked like they had been made by 3rd graders.
We went to the Little Big Horn battlefield even though we had been there last year. From there we went across the street and ate Indian Tacos. I got indigestion so badly I thought I was going to die.
We drove back to Hardin and the reenactment. We watched warriors on painted war ponies thunder by right in front of us representing the Sioux, Cheyenne and Arapaho. They were lead by Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse. As history repeated itself, the 7th Cavalry lead by Lt. Col George Armstrong Custer was defeated. It was a fabulous reenactment.
Afterwards we drove to Sheridan, WY where we spent the night.
Our boss gave us three days off so the next day we drove over the Big Horn Mts into Cody, WY and then on back to Mammoth. Along the way we stopped off outside Lovell to see the wild horses. They are descendents of the conquistador horses.


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