4-15 (Sun) Mammoth
This morning we heard that an elk had fallen off a cliff last night and was dead in the road. I went over to the Visitor’s Center and asked the Range where it was. He told me and even though it was in a part of the park that is currently blocked off we went there anyway and hiked around the barricade. We found it in the road but the strange thing was not a single animal had started feasting on it at that time. A really good looking Ranger came by in his car and stopped to talk to us. He said he was going to move it to another location so that the predators would dispose of it. We asked him where he was going to put it but he wouldn’t tell us.
We have had the strangest weather at Yellowstone today. This morning when we were hiking it was nice, after lunch it snowed. Then it cleared up and we drove to Gardiner to buy some bear spray. The next thing you know we were in a white out. We couldn’t even see the mountain that is right across the river from us. Just before we went to dinner the wind started blowing so hard that our curtains were moving and the windows were closed!! This time it began snowing and hailing. We couldn’t see the Visitor’s Center across the street from our dorm. By the time we got to dinner we were completely covered in snow. We had to brush it off our clothes when we went inside. Now, once again it is nice.
Nancy, great pictures! I believe the duck is a Barrow's goldeneye. There are 2 goldeneyes, which nest in the Park: Common and Barrow's. Beautiful birds!
It is a male Barrow's Goldeneye. And I love your blog--gorgeous pictures---both you and Nancy D!!
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