Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Yesterday it was so hot we had to turn the one window A/C on at work.  This morning it is snowing!!

Monday, June 04, 2012

Trip to Cody

Three friends and I went to Lake last week.  We stopped at the Mud Volcano, on the way home we saw a fox hunting . . .

Kathleen, ND & Dan at the Mud Volcano

The hunting fox

She sees her prey and goes after it
This is my prize photo . . . she leaps for the prey

Friday we went over the Chief Joseph Highway to get to Cody.  After eating at the Irma (named for Buffalo Bill's daughter) we drove toward Powell to tour the Heart Mountain Museum and Exhibits.  This is the area where 14,000 Japanese Americans were confined during WWII.  It was one of 10 camps around the country in remote, isolated locations where 120,000 Japanese Americans were incarcerated behind barbed wire for up to three years.
    We headed for “home” around 6:00.   As we looked towards Yellowstone it looked like a powerful snowstorm over the mountain and Sylvan Pass which we would have to cross.  We were so worried that we wouldn’t be able to get in the gate (they had been turning people away all week) and would have to go back to Cody and spend the night but things have a way of working out and we got in the park plus there was no snow.  We got home about 9:30.

Along the Chief Joseph Hwy