Saturday, November 04, 2006

11-2 (Thursday)

Last night we arranged for a taxi to pick us up at 9:00 for the airport. Our plane wasn’t leaving until 11:50.

When we checked in we had all kinds of problems- first the girl thought we hadn’t paid our departure fee but as of the day before it is now included in the price of your ticket. It costs $14 to depart from Vietnam. Then the girl needed proof that we were going to leave Bali and when. We told her we didn’t have a ticket to leave and weren’t exactly sure where or when. She was trying to tell us we couldn’t go unless we had a ticket out of the country. We showed her proof that we were leaving Bangkok for the US on the 22nd of this month. She didn’t seem to care about that. She finally went and talked to someone else, came back and let us on the plane. Thank goodness we left for the airport as soon as we did.

It was an hour and a half into Singapore. We were served a wonderful meal with wine. They didn’t charge us like Northwest did on the way over.
The Singapore airport was VERY nice. They even had FREE Internet throughout the airport and it WORKED! We walked around, did internet and killed a couple of hours until it was time to leave for Bali at 7:00.

We arrived in Bali about 9 p.m. At the airport we arranged for a hotel. It was awful and it cost us $28!!! They said they had hot water but the hotel people forgot to turn it on in our room. We went to bed without taking showers and decided we would move to a new place as soon as we got up in the morning.

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