Tuesday, April 05, 2011



3-4 (Tues)

It snowed all morning. At noon it felt like 40 degrees (warm) but it was still snowing. Nothing stuck to the ground because it was too warm.

This afternoon almost all of the snow is gone. The office told ND and me to leave work at 3:00 because we had overtime which they do not want to pay. That didn't bother us, we like getting off and exploring. We went back out to Lamar . . . saw a coyote and wolves. We appear to be the only ones who have found this one pack that is feasting. Less than 50 yards from us (around a curve) was a whole group of wolf watchers. They had been out there all day . . . they would have been so excited if they had seen "our" wolves. One of "ours" ran down the hill and across the road in front of our car. "Theirs" were so far away you had to use a scope. We could see "ours" with the naked eye.


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