Saturday, November 05, 2011

11-5 (Sat)

Barbara writing . . .

Holocaust Museum is largest but I like the one in DC better. I waited 1 ½ hours for Nancy at the reception area and then went back to hotel and Old City. Nancy showed up at 4:00ish. There is a brand new Tram here running only about 1 month. It is now free for everyone cuz they don’t have the ticket machines working. They want everyone to be able to take the Tram so free it is!! We ate at the same place that we did on the Walking Tour. Nancy must have caught something cuz she got violently ill starting about 8:30 that night. Was in the bathroom most of the night (out of both ends sometimes at the same time - I know TMI) I had to go down to reception to get more toilet tissue at 2:00am. She stayed in bed yesterday still sick. I went to Bethlehem on the bus which let us off somewhere?? so had to find my way to the Church of the Nativity. Didn’t pass thru check point of the way there so walked all the way from the church to the check point to experience the wall and security involved passing from Palestine back into Israel side. Nancy was in no shape to leave hotel so I continued on touring/shopping - went back to the Church, more Stations of the Cross, out Lions Gate, thru Muslim cemetery, past the closed Golden Gate and back thru Dung Gate to wind my way back to hotel. Nancy felt good enough to play some cards then bed around 9:30. Forgot - I went looking for a doctor early Thurs morning (6:30) cuz Nancy was sooooo sick. Went into dining room and asked a large group if they had a doc with them. They did and he came to our room right away giving Nancy pills for nausea and diahrea (don’t know how to spell it and don’t want to know!! Just know it was real bad). She is better today but VERY weak. I got a taxi to take us to Tel Aviv. It is a lot more expensive than the bus but I AM NOT LUGGING THAT DARN LUGGAGE OVER THESE COBBLE STONES UP HILLS, ETC one more time. My knees and back are worth a few $$ more and besides Nancy could never make it today. Taxi is to pick up us at 1:00 for drive to new hotel in Tel Aviv.

1 comment:

Judy Weiner said...

Nancy, so sorry to hear that you got the mideast "bug". I had it while in Syria. Was out touring in Palmyra and had to go visit the "squat" several times. Praying I wouldn't run out of tissues. Our last big trip to South America, Kaiser supplied us with lomatil, hydration packets, etc. I got sick in Santiago, but recovered quickly.