Thursday, August 30, 2012

We  arrived in Valdez last night.  The drive down was spectacular.  Some of the prettiest scenery we have seen in Alaska.  We drove around town, which took about 2-3 minutes and down to the docks where we saw the fishermen returning with their catch of the day.

This morning we again went to the docks but in another area and across the bay we could see where the tankers fill up with oil for the lower 48.  All the oil is coming into Valdez and going out of here yet their gas is the most expensive we have purchased in Alaska - $4.31.  It cost us $70 to fill up this morning.  They even have a refinery here so that isn’t the problem.  

Valdez is such a beautiful place, it is totally surrounded by mountains and a lot of them  are currently covered in snow.  We were talking to a lady in the Visitor’s Center this morning and her heating bill during the winter is around $1200.  I’ll bet even at that price her house is what I would consider freezing.

    We drove to the other side of the sound (where the oil comes in) and saw a bear fishing in the river.  We drove on and saw seals fishing.  Mostly we could just see their little heads sticking out of the water.  Then we saw two young eagles trying out their wings.  We are just thrilled with all the scenery and wildlife we have seen.

  We think this is one of the most beautiful places we have been in Alaska.

Tomorrow we leave for Tok.

Notice the holding tanks across the sound.


The bear fishing

Seals fishing

Bridal Veil Falls

The Valdez harbor

1 comment:

monkeyboy said...

That bear isn't fishing. He's cleaning up after a massacre.